The Starting Lineup of Fifth Generation Females

I entered Creature Docking Station, knowledgeable of each Norn in my world. Yet when I checked on the females in the Norn Meso, I came across someone I certainly didn’t recognize! The nametag read Levia, yet I remembered her as a fairly typical Norn with nothing too special about her appearance. There she was, though, sporting a more subdued coat color that made her stand out beautifully! This was only the second color mutation I remembered having: The only other one was in Quirin, who later went on to become one of the mascots of Docking Station Galaxy. What a pretty Norn Levia had matured into! Suddenly, I had a very strong hope that she would become the next alpha female.

In total, there were eleven females steadily growing up in the Norn Meso. Amanora, Carthial, and Filana made their own little group on the lower most level. Note the color of their heads and tails in relation to Levia’s. I think I was a little too excited, but this was exactly the kind of mutation I was hoping for! Of these three ladies, only Amanora had the extremely typical look that my Norns had taken on. I still don’t dislike it or anything, but diversity in appearance is something I still hoped would last through the generations.

Another fairly sizable group of females had stationed themselves on the top floor of the Norn Meso. Hartinnia and Grinae were surprisingly different, even with their infamous Zebra Norn heads. Xaria seemed a little frightened to apparently be looking in a mirror wherever her bright blue eyes looked! The youngest of all, Dilae, made her way into this group. She was still one of my favorites, and it was nice to see her welcomed so completely. There was a lot of diversity in this small space!

Little Wynda was also stationed on the upper level of the Norn Meso, although she preferred to stick to herself. She was possibly the best musician of the females, and that creativity seemed to make her more prone to wandering. Unfortunately for her, the Norn Meso was her home for the time being: No exploring beyond the walls just yet! I would just need to remember to give her a musical instrument to take along on her journey. Wynda wasn’t completely antisocial, although I was happy to see her take some solitary time to take care of herself.

Finally, the last two females were Caeriv and Oasia. Caeriv had her mark changed, since I had a momentary lapse of judgment and gave her a red spiral in the beginning. She and the young Treehugger were nearly inseparably, although they made their base right next to the door. The males were just on the other side, though the two genders had a bit of time before they would be able to meet. Oasia had a few odd quirks, mostly attributed to the problems inherent in the Treehugger Norn genome. She would be a challenge, but maybe she would surprise everyone!

Levia and Filana actually became close friends, and I was somehow persuaded to hope that one of them would be the next alpha female. Dilae was also a strong contender… But it would nice to have Levia’s mutation passed on to many Norns! Actually, her identical twin brother, Krinsho, had the same mutation, but since it was specific only to females, he only had the chance of passing it on. He might not be heading to CreatureLink if I decide to start up a secondary breeding project. Who do you think will be the next alpha female?

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