The Next Generation of Albia

The birth of the first second generation Norn is often one of the most exciting times in any Creatures game, but sometimes, the focus is all about the actual birth. What about the events leading up to it? I’ve spent a great deal of time introducing Adria and Noric, as I intend to do with all of my Norns. I enjoy sharing the simple aspects of Creatures 1 and, as the saying goes, “stopping to smell the roses.”

Just as Noric was pondering his life, as in the last post, he must have had some extreme revelation, for he suddenly sprang into the adult life stage! His blue eyes are finally standing out like they should: For the longest time, I was under the impression that male Brown Mouse Norns had brown eyes. Noric showed me otherwise! Perhaps it was just an oversight with the sprites… Which could use some tidying up at some point.

In his new found adulthood, Noric had little trouble finding Adria roaming about the garden. Big surprise: She carried another carrot around! More importantly, Noric had quite the enjoyable time spending time with Adria. They got along wonderfully well, even for the typical pair of Norns. Every couple is different! Some barely spend time with one another, while others are practically glued together. It was difficult to separate them for a short spell… Twice the sound of kiss-popping could be heard, but with no results. I anxiously hoped for something to happen!

However, after a romantic trip to the lower level of the temple, beneath the pianola, magic was made! Adria returned to the garden where she has been stocking up on carrots and lemons. She seems quite excited and happy, although her random running about has been put on hold for a bit! The question that remains is who the little one will look like!

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