Hard at Work on the Next Generation

At this point, everyone is spread out through the various regions of Albia. The funny thing is that the males tend to go off in one direction, while the females head in the opposite direction. Hence, the number of new eggs has drastically dropped off. Fortunately, I intervened and brought some of the males to the females! The Creatures 1 world is not extremely large, so everyone would have eventually met up. Population decline might be more of an issue in Creatures 2, where the world is much larger. I mention that because I plan on attempting an install either tonight or tomorrow!

Back to Creatures 1, though. Rafin and Evria managed to seclude themselves from the rest of the group. Both fell sound asleep after a good deal of kiss-popping. Poor Rafin didn’t even have the energy to lie down: He just closed his eyes and drifted off into dreamland! His pink hands are really adorable, but viewing his body from this perspective makes it look like he’s wearing pants up to his armpits! Oh dear. Apparently no one took this into consideration when putting the final touches on the sprites! At least it wasn’t too obvious… Or maybe it was!

Their work was done, however, and I managed to move their egg to a quiet area of Albia. It joins Izria’s egg as one which will be hatched down the line. I kind of like the idea of having a little group of eggs… But the suspense will eventually become unbearable, and I might end up exporting some of the older Norns so I can hatch the eggs in the incubator, and then re-import them. Any ideas on whether or not that would work? Another alternative is to have a world for the senior citizens to live out their lives in peace. But I much prefer to have the elders interact with the youngsters: It helps to show the progression.

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