Beneath the Sea: A C3/DS Underwater World Video
Written onWith just a few final preparations to finish up the plans for my underwater Creatures Docking Station world, I wanted to share a couple of advanced options with everyone! What better way than with a video? There was a recent discussion about the metarooms and agents to be used in this world. Some elements, like CA links, are sometimes forgotten. This video features a tutorial for making teleporters “float” in various areas of the water, while also covering the importance of CA links. Put to extensive use is Amaiakokonut’s Magic Words Room Edits module. Hopefully there are some useful tips and a few laughs!
As with all of my world concepts, feel free to use these suggestions in any way you like! The breeds I’ve chosen to use will still remain a mystery, yet I snapped a photo of a few very interesting underwater Norns. Pretty! There are a few odd issues with body parts, but nothing to make me drop any of the breeds. Keep an eye out for the official start of this world in all its underwater glory, and enjoy this video! There should be more videos coming out on a regular basis, both for C1 and C3/DS, plus a brand new Discover Albia feature centered around video answers!
Norn crab hybrids? Why, miss Jessica, you’re trying to inspire me, aren’t you? ;D
Graduate references aside, this is shaping up to be very interesting!
Oh all right, one more reference. ELAINE!
Ha ha! Glad you’re finding this pretty interesting! I wasn’t sure if this video was boring, although it seems to have turned out alright. There should be a lot more action in upcoming videos, though!
Looking great so far! There’s something I’m a little bit worried of though . . .
Don’t CA Links travel rooms from left to right only? This normally isn’t a huge problem for terrestrial metarooms where creatures can only travel left and right without the help of teleporters or elevators (which is where CA links usually go anyway), but for an underwater world where creatures can swim up and down, you may need to put in some more ca links.
Then again, maybe the swimmeragent lets creatures smell what’s above and below them. Or having that many links could destabilize the world. What do you think?
That is a very valid concern, Leporidae. It’s true that CAs only travel left to right, which is why CA linking is required for vertical travel and movement between metarooms. I’ve never noticed any issues with Creatures navigating underwater to get to various food sources. I’ve seen some swim “up” in order to hunt down a fish, which may or may not be related to CAs. I still only use CA links for the usual purposes in underwater areas, and I’ve never noticed any problems with Creatures navigating around.
I can’t find any reference in the Swimmer Agent that indicates it affects underwater CAs. Perhaps someone with more knowledge of it might come along and post! I am curious, though, so I’ll continue looking into it. Thanks for bringing this up!
The navigable CAs are indeed left-right only. In the case of swimming creatures, this is most noticeable when one smells a food item but can’t see it directly; they’ll swim back and forth on one “level” and not try to swim up/down to where the food item actually is.
Transitioning between levels is more a manner of sight rather than smell; swimming creatures normally get from level to level by chasing items of interest that they see. As a matter of fact, I don’t think swimming creatures can go up/down without actively chasing something. The swimming agent is coded in such a manner that they can only go left/right if they don’t have something they’re focusing on. I might do something about this in a later version if I can figure out how, provided it’s even possible at all.
Either way, linking up “levels” with CA links won’t do any good. Actually, it may cause some harm. Swimming creatures think no differently from normal creatures; when they smell something on the other end of a CA link, they don’t think “I’m going to swim up/down there,” they think “I’m going to find an elevator that can take me up/down there.” If there’s no elevator, you’ll wind up with a bunch of creatures looking for one and possibly starving themselves to death.
On a completely different note, it’s rather amusing to see that all of the metarooms and most of the agents used in this world were things I had something to do with. :P Ego aside, I’m eager to read/see more of this world. What you’ve got so far is interesting.
Thank you for that wonderful explanation, Grendel Man! That clears up a lot of confusion about CA links in underwater metarooms. The current swimming agent seems to work very well for me, although I’m always up for improvements. I thought that swimming Creatures had something to do with chasing objects of interest, and I thank you for adding that explanation!
And thank you for the kind words, plus your work in creating the majority of the stuff seen in this world! A lot of it got me thinking about the soon-to-be-written backstory behind this world, and I’m hoping that this will be a success. I’m expecting a few hiccups to start, but that’s typical with many world concepts. Hope you’ll find the next updates just as interesting!
I’m only just getting around to watching things, and wow, it looks really interesting. I’m really curious as to what else you’ve got planned for the world concept.
Thanks, Amai! A lot of things wouldn’t be possible without Magic Words Room Edits, so thank you for releasing that. There will be much more to come, and hopefully these Creatures end up being rather interesting!