The Creatures Hive Video Question 5
Written onBack to the Creatures Hive we go! I fell a bit behind on answering these, but hopefully the videos will get me all caught up on the current queue of questions shortly. The newest question was actually an interesting one for me to think about, since it brought me all the way back to the beginning of Discover Albia. It also reminded me of the whole reason why I blog about Creatures, which will continue to keep me motivated for a long, long time! Don’t forget to ask any questions you might have about Creatures or the blog!
This question was submitted by KittyTikara. I went back to how I figured out how to name Discover Albia. One of the more difficult things about starting up a blog is naming it. The best names are relevant to the subject matter, unique to similar blogs, and memorable. Back then, I figured that any Creatures blog I started up might last for a short time, yet I’m so glad I went through such a long thought process! I got lucky and found something that fit in perfectly. Feel free to share your stories about the names of your Creatures blogs in the comments, and enjoy this new video!
That’s a better reason to name a blog then mine! I just named mine Mobula Ray because it sounded cool. Well, that and I named mine after a C3/DS world name I always use. It used to be just Manta Ray. Eventually, I wanted to make another ray world one time, came up with the Mobula Ray thing after looking up manta rays, and decided to stick with the Mobula Ray name because it sounded cooler. The Mobula Ray worlds were my main worlds at the time, so it was natural to name my blog after them. Also I was going to have a Creature narrate everything that happened in the world, but I quickly realized that I would get tired of that really fast…. Which reminds me, I have some blog posts to edit.
Your story is just as great! It’s interesting to learn where you came up with the name, and I really like it. Definitely unique! I’m still being quite the lurker these days and not commenting on much of anything, but I look forward to reading some more of your updates!
I named my blog Royale Creatures because the YouTube channel I share with my friends is called the Royale Ladies. So I just went with the theme.
Sounds like a great way to come up with a name! Keeping to a theme is always a good idea. It’s a very interesting name, too. Thanks for sharing!