Farewells and Introductions in Artemiidae

Waving Farewell to the First Group of Norns and GrendelsDuring our last glimpse into Artemiidae, we saw some rather lucky behavior! Unfortunately for Pale Cyematidae, the Banshee Hydrolisks eventually got to her. Opalescent Striata was one very violent Grendel, yet I slowly watched her age. Despite all of the slapping, the cause of her death was completely natural old age. She ushered in the end of the original group’s chapter, which wasn’t all that interesting to watch. There were a lot of deaths, and a flurry of imported babies! After the storm cleared and things calmed down, I finally had a chance to make a new video chapter about this C3/DS underwater world! A slightly extended chapter was requested, so this one has a longer running time. Sit back and enjoy meeting the very colorful babies, including some unusual mixed breeds! Everyone is unique in this world.

Coping with Early Norn DeathsThe dark side to everything was the sudden loss of a number of imported babies. All appeared to die from genetic mutations, although I plan to do a full analysis to make sure I didn’t do anything incorrectly. Most surprising of all were the deaths of Colortrue Pearl Mermaid Norn fraternal twins. That’s right: Their genetics were not identical, yet they both suffered from fatal mutations. The other set of fraternal twins did survive, though: See them and many more in this latest chapter of Artemiidae!

Creatures of Artemiidae: Chapter 5

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