Creatures 2 Archive

Creatures Games Giveaway

This time of year can be a dreary one for parts of the world, and there’s nothing to brighten things up like Creatures! I remembered that I picked up some game codes from GOG for Creatures: The Albian Years ... Continue Reading

Why Do the Creatures Games Last?

I took some time to play some other video games this week, and I was sorely disappointed. Most games seem to get tossed on the proverbial shelf partway through, or get unceremoniously uninstalled upon completion. The only games I ... Continue Reading

GOG is Good to the Creatures Games

Finding working versions of the Creatures games can be a challenge, since most of the CD versions won’t work on newer operating systems. Luckily, there is one awesome site that has Creatures 1, Creatures 2, Creatures 3, Docking Station, ... Continue Reading

The Haunting of Albia

Halloween night is a time for frightening spooks and haunted stories. Plus a lot of candy, but we’ll set that aside for the moment! The Albia of Creatures 1 is a rather happy place, with barely anything to fear. ... Continue Reading