The Creatures Hive is a feature of Discover Albia designed to quickly answer questions about the Creatures games. Many aspects of these artificial life games can be more easily addressed in realtime coverage. No worries about needing to spend a lot of time getting to the answers! The Creatures Hive includes short videos, with the more advanced explanations left to other mediums. The goal is to help all sorts of Creatures players find and understand answers in just a few minutes!
Its name comes from the unofficial logo of Discover Albia, and the idea that questions about Creatures are always buzzing about. The content is very focused on the community, with the majority of questions coming directly from other players. The Creatures Hive is just one more way that I hope to help out, either with useful information or a couple of laughs! Check out past videos, or submit your own questions that have been keeping you busy as a bee trying to figure out!
Question 7 (From KittyTikara) How Do You Write So Many Blog Posts?
Question 6 (From Kezune) Do You Have Any Tips or Recommended COBs for People Starting Out in Creatures 1?
Question 5 (From KittyTikara) How Did You Come Up with Your Blog’s Name?
Question 4 (From Leporidae) How Long is a Typical Play Session for You in Each of the Creatures Games?
Question 3 (From Leporidae) Do You Make Your Blog Posts Ahead of Time, or Do You Post Them as You Finish Them?
Question 2 (From Leporidae) Which Creatures 1 Norn Breed is Your Favorite?
Question 1 (From Dylan) What Would Your Ideal Modern Creatures Sequel Look Like?
Submit a Question
Have a question about Creatures? Ask away! So long as a question is related to Creatures, is appropriate for all ages, and can be answered pretty quickly in a video, there’s a good chance it will be featured!
Discover Albia is now an archived site, and will no longer continue this feature.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do the topics for the Creatures Hive come from?
Easy: You! Most of the questions come directly from submissions. Occasionally the videos may involve other topics, yet the main objective is to address questions that are important to new, old, and returning Creatures fans.
What types of questions are acceptable?
There are typically just two criteria used for determining whether a question will be featured in a video:
- Appropriate: Only questions safe for all users of Creatures players will be answered
- Length: Most questions that can be answered in approximately five minutes or less will be answered
Questions can be about how to understand Creatures gameplay, but they may also involve more abstract or silly queries!
Will every question be answered?
In a nutshell, most likely not. Some answers may not be suited to a video format, others may be outside of my scope of knowledge, and so on. Questions may also enter the queue, and take a little longer to be answered. Remember that it does take some time and effort to produce each video: I would much rather take a little longer to answer a question fully, than take the shortcut and just ramble on aimlessly! Please understand that I can’t answer every single question, though.
How often is the Creatures Hive updated?
The Creatures Hive videos do not have a set schedule, although a typical week will see a handful of questions answered. There may be certain times when there are more or less videos than usual, yet my intention is to keep this feature on a fairly normal schedule. Of course, the number of submitted questions also helps determine how often new videos are posted! Make sure to check back often to find out if your question, or a related one, has been answered!