An Up and Down Type of Albian Morning

Up and Down in Different Creatures LiftsMy Creatures 1 Norns were in good spirits when I last left a pair of them near the beehives. Brekennion and Losthrayte grew quite close, though they were in no rush to start a family! However, they decided to play a very peculiar lift game that was just too funny to watch. First, Losthrayte escaped from the top level in one lift. Brekennion immediately missed her, and pressed the call button. Without any patience, he headed off in the other lift to find her. It was an odd game that continued for a few rounds!

The Difficult Job of Growing Up in AlbiaTiny Mayth was no longer the baby of the group, although he adjusted quite well. The one need that most of my Norns never attended to was the all important act of sleep. Mayth escaped from the grasps of social life to take a nap on a rather comfortable wooden cart. I watched his slumbering body inch along underneath the garden. Perhaps he would wake with a start when he found himself in unfamiliar territory. However, Mayth’s nap was a very long one! He managed to take the cart back to its original starting position before he even woke up. Quite an ingenious way to get some undisturbed rest!

A Newborn Norn and His New FriendThe newest member of the bunch, Pathun, raced through his vocabulary lessons after I did a short genetic analysis. His initial terror quickly melted away with a little honey! I left him to his own devices for a bit, during which time he took the first steps to discovery. Pathun found the bouncy ball in the garden, which became his favorite thing. Hleengar was attracted by the interesting noise, and had a very simple introductory conversation. It seemed like the days of the toy thief were over and done with.

Strange Love on the Creatures 1 IslandI took a moment to check on the events on the desert island, where an odd situation was brewing. Krathlaysi joined Athahain and my second Grendel, Dahloi. Athahain was none too pleased about a very loud Norn moving in on her turf! Dahloi was just at a loss for what to do… Krathlaysi was a very unique sort of Norn who was very different from the usually quiet Athahain. In a sense, she was very much like Nildeleer. He had a moment where this fact appeared to dawn on him. Would Dahloi take the initiative to find the heartbroken Nildeleer?

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