The Many Sights and Sounds of Albia with Onessa

Onessa decided to take a little break from Zorich and explore the world! Rather, I noticed that she was too distracted by him to eat much of anything, so her journey began with on a full stomach. Something that came to mind while she was traveling up a lift was the fact that Norns often lie down while going up and down. On the technical side, I wonder if C1 Norns understand the concept of differences in height. On the non-technical, abstract side, perhaps they simply want to wait patiently! Not all Norns lie down while traveling in lifts, though: Just another aspect that can give each Norn a different personality!

I think that the waterfall was one of the most interesting landmarks in Onessa’s eyes! She strained and stretched to reach the top, which reminded me of a little kid trying to reach the cookie jar on the top shelf. I suppose Norns are very agile, because I thought Onessa was going to topple over several times! The waterfall is really the only place in Albia where moving water can be seen: Although there are two oceans to cross, there is nothing for Norns to really focus on. Suffice to say this spot is one of the more peaceful areas of Albia: At least, Onessa thinks so!

Someone was up to to a little mischief near the beehives! Those bees did deliver a few warning stings, but nothing that Onessa couldn’t handle. After what she’s been through, I don’t think anything can really get to her! The beehives aren’t doing too much for Albia, though: All of the honey pots have disappeared from Albia, and the garden is only growing a maximum of three or four carrots at a time. I posted more information over at Creatures Caves. It’s the case of the disappearing food! Luckily, with the right timing, everyone has a healthy diet of vegetables.

Finally, Onessa took control of the cable car to travel high above the garden. I love the flowering trees in the background, and the beautiful birds fluttering around! It’s funny how all of the vehicles have minds of their own, and constantly travel. Perhaps they were programmed this way by the Shee, in order to encourage Norns and Grendels to explore Albia. However, I’m curious if there is a COB out there that stops these vehicles from automatically moving about. I would love to try creating different clans or family groups by isolating them in different areas of the world. For now, though, Onessa shall continue traveling about, and will eventually find her friend, Zorich, again!

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