CCSF 2011 Contributions from Discover Albia

Although not strictly that exciting, I wanted to quickly outline my CCSF 2011 contributions and some of the ideas behind them. There are still a few days left in the Creatures Community Spirit Festival 2011, so make sure to participate while this annual event is still going on! This is our time to show what we can come up with!

The Tolthian Tales: Book One Prologue
I had an idea for a story featuring Norns, but set on a completely different world with a possible evolution path. I worked out the various regions of the world and the different subsets of Norn breeds. I have high hopes for this story, and have already begun to think up the main storyline. Note that I kept this labeled as just the first book. Hopefully I will be able to devote some time to this and write a few intertwined tales! Everyone knows how much I can write in a sitting. Ha ha!

Updated C2 Canny Ettins
Earlier this year, I decided to dive into the mysterious world of Ettins. I was directed to some excellent Colorful Canny Ettins, but I soon discovered that they had no way of naturally producing sex drive. There was a problem with one of the genes, and I updated this gene through a pair of breedable Ettins. They certainly were difficult to complete, since this involved going through a bunch of genes and figuring out what in the world each one did.

No-Mutate C1 Norns
As most of us know, mutations pop up almost constantly throughout every generation of Norns. My beloved Creatures 1 Norns have experienced many serious mutations, particularly in their brain lobes. Since mutations usually are either passed down through each generation or further mutate, I had the bright idea of creating a Norn genome which was incapable of any sort of mutations, aside from pigment changes. The result was the No-Mutate C1 Norns! Included in the pack are the Banana, Horse, and White Haired Pixie Norns. Please feel free to let me know if there is any interest in other breeds with this genome: I would be happy to share it! Note that its base is the updated Forest Norn genome, so these Norns have a slightly better system that the original Norns.

Discover Albia C1 Norns
It was a difficult decision, but I wanted to share some of the relatives of my Creatures 1 family with the community as a whole. This pack of Norns includes two second generation babies, along with a pair of third generation youngsters. They were difficult to part with, yet I hope they will go on to lead some interesting lives in other C1 worlds! I also included descriptions of their genetic mutations as a helpful reference, and also as a little something to possibly stir a little interest in Norn genetics. Any questions about them are most welcome! I would also be interested to know if additional Discover Albia Norns would be wanted. I have more than enough for the next generation already, and we’re less than halfway through the second generation!

A very special thanks goes to Laura for organizing this event! Every day of releases has been amazing, and I love the mix of different things available each day. Thank you, as well, to everyone who has contributed and participated! Just another reason to show how amazing our little community is. Perhaps it won’t be so little in the near future: Long live Creatures!

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