A Weekend to Remember

Naturally, everything exciting happens when we decide to take a vacation! That wonderful phenomenon happened to me over the weekend, yet it made for a nice way to return with two major events to look over.

First, Amaikokonut released the Garden Box! This is simply an amazing release that allows each player to customize his or her worlds. The patch plants are simply genius, as well: Have an area that really doesn’t produce a reliable source of food? It’s no longer a problem! I’ve been testing the Garden Box during its development phase, and many may have noticed some screenshots showing off apples, carrots, and other foods in different places. Now, that customization is available to all! Amaikokonut has been one of my favorite innovative thinkers in the community, and this is nothing short of one of the greatest releases during recent times. Enjoy it!

Another element of the Creatures community which many may have heard about is the return of Creatures Caves Survivor! The journal entries have been wonderful so far: It’s very interesting to read from the creative minds of others, and there has already been a fair share of adventure, danger, and fun. My own journal is quickly being filled up, and can be accessed here. The idea is to stay around as long as possible by not being voted off. Anyone who is a member of Creatures Caves may vote. The Week One Poll will determine the first two players to be voted off. Hopefully my Harlequin Norn character will be able to stay around, although there are a lot of other wonderful players on the island!

With that, the planning for the CCSF 2012 continues, while I also try to find some time to play Creatures! How I missed those crazy little critters while I was away! Maybe they didn’t miss me, though. Ha ha!

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